Majikaru Taruroto-kun is a Japanese shonen manga and anime created by Tatsuya Egawae published in the Japanese magazine Shonen Jump the Sh? Eisha, 1988 by al1992 and then collected in 21 tankobon. From the manga it was also a TV anime series of 87 episodes produced dallaToei Animation in 1990 and ended May 10, 1992, considered the advent of the phenomenon kawaii animation for high school girls. Edojou Honmaru fifth grade, and in his class is by far the least popular and most harassed by bullies, until one day he meets Magical Taruruuto-kun. The magical powers of Taruruuto will help you confront and overcome the difficulties of everyday life, such as the relationship with classmates, the attacks of bullies, and many other challenges.